We are pleased to share our first ever annual report covering FY’21 (July 1, 2020- June 30, 2021). As LPV moves forward, out of unprecedented times, the organization has emerged stronger, more nimble, and more responsive. LPV is committed to ensuring our staff, board, and programs are reflective of the community. In 2022, LPV will commission a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) audit of the organization that will inform and guide the Board as we embark on a new strategic plan. Pursuing new opportunities and forging mutually beneficial partnerships for our future work is a priority as we continue to strengthen our current offerings.

Click here for full report LPV Annual Report 12.22.21_final-compressed

LPV is fortunate to have a strong network of alumni, friends, and supporters that have contributed time, talent, and treasure over the years to making an impact in Western Massachusetts. To those who have helped along the way we say “thank you”- together we will continue to advance LPV’s mission and execute our strategic goals to ensure LPV reaches future milestones.