Recently, CNBC posted an article posted by CNBC determining the forecasting workplace trends for 2019, stating they stated that “More employees will want to align with employers that have a social mission.”” in this new year At Leadership Pioneer Valley, we see a desire among our LEAP program participants to connect with a deeper purpose in their work, and we. We are excited to see this growing trend. . Being a non-profit organization, Leadership Pioneer Valley and other establishments like
We recently updated our organization’s vision statement to “we strive to create a vibrant Pioneer Valley with accessible, inclusive networks of inspired individuals who are leading and connecting the communities in which they live and work.” Our organization stands on an important social mission. Engaging more leaders in the workplace who are creating social
responsibility in their workplaces, and our communities is both exciting and essential. us will definitely be benefiting from a development like this in the world of work.

We recently updated our company’s organization’s vision statement to “and it perfectly fits in with this new trend. we strive to create a “A vibrant Pioneer Valley with accessible, inclusive networks of inspired individuals who are leading and connecting the communities in which they live and work.” Our company organization stands on an important social mission having more people come engaging more leaders in the workplace who are creating social responsibility in their into the workplaces that look for this and our communities is both exciting and essential.

In another article posted on Wrike, an additional workplace trend they anticipated for this year is a higher emphasis being placed on work-life balance. With mobile devices like cell-phones and tablets making work accessible 24/7, the ratio of work to life is typically unbalanced for most people. 2019 is the year that is said work-life balance. With mobile devices like cell-phones and tablets making work accessible 24/7, the ratio of work to life is typically unbalanced for most people. 2019 is the year that many will be evaluating how work and life to create more of a barrier between these two worlds, and LPV stands behind this initiative willingly. Self-care is crucial, even for working professionals that do not feel as though they have the time for it. Eating lunch away from your desk, leaving your work at work, taking that 30 minute break you pretend you don’t have, leaving after your shift is actually over, or even taking
a minute to breathe at your desk in between tasks. All of these simple things can help improve a work-life balance and can easily be done right in the office. the office. At our LEAP sessions, we try to emphasize this idea throughout the various different topics we cover. Our last LEAP session dealt with the idea of having resilience in the workplace covered practicing resilience as leaders. A person must know their limits and be able to push while pushing themselves . them in order to further themselves, but we also implemented the idea that pushing yourself too far is not what you want. It can be easy to get caught up in projects or large undertakings, we get it! But, we are excited to see that there may be a higher value placed on the individual and their personal balance of work and life this year. What are the ways you restore yourself? What are things that you can say “no” to this year?