LPV Song

At the conclusion of our Field Experience last month in Chicopee, singer- songwriter Robin Lane lead us in an exercise to create a song about the class” experiences. Each table was given a few words taken from our website and tasked with writing lyrics. As the rhymes rolled off their tongues and we picked up momentum, Robin masterfully helped shape the phrases and put it them music. In no time at all, we had 2 verses and a strong chorus.

The terrifying part for many was actually singing in front of their peers. Over the last 10 months, we have challenged LPV participants to break out of their comfort zones. Time and time again, they rose to the occasion and stretched themselves (sometimes literally). Many jumped in to sing and clap along to our new song. Two individuals bravely sang into the microphone with Robin, while others held up their “iphone lighters” to encourage their peers. A few others still weren’t convinced and looked like they wanted to crawl under the table. What is it about public singing that brings such discomfort? Nonetheless, it was a great exercise with a gifted musician that led to a heartfelt song about LPV thanks to the creativity and courage of the group.

LPV Song