
"Community-focused leadership development programs are the foundation for building the capacity of individuals, communities and institutions to solve their own problems."

- The Kellogg Foundation

Benefits for Participants

Experience personal transformation...establish strong networks...initiate healthy community change.

  • Experience personal transformation, increase your self-awareness, confidence, and broaden your thinking.
  • Develop your collaboration, cultural competence, leadership and communication skills.
  • Increase your ability to build consensus to solve community problems.
  • Learn ways to effectively foster healthy communities and organizational change.
  • Establish strong networks with fellow leaders across all sectors, cultures and communities.
  • Continue to grow by participating at a leadership level in nonprofit, public and corporate settings as an LPV program alumna/ae.

Benefits for Businesses

Increased leadership skills...civic engagement retains talent...affordable leadership program ...increased ability to solve complex problems.

  • Today’s companies need employees who can connect and converse with other leaders from different perspectives and backgrounds to solve complex problems.
  • Appealing to personal values through civic engagement is a proven strategy for attracting and retaining top talent.
  • Your employees will gain new leadership skills which will benefit your company.
  • By working in a community setting, employees can learn how to function in a new environment with no easy answers, with limited resources and with little personal risk.
  • Community leadership programs offer learning opportunities that are more affordable than other executive development alternatives.

Benefits for Non-Profits

Develop a leadership network...learn entrepreneurial best practices...refresh opportunities to grow.

  • Community leadership networks help nonprofits forge effective working relationships with other sectors of the community that enable them to fulfill their mission.
  • The individual connections made through LPV provide opportunities for enhanced volunteer, in-kind and financial resources.
  • Nonprofit leaders need affordable training opportunities to sharpen their skills, broaden their networks and refresh their spirit.
  • By working with people in business, nonprofits can learn skills and insights that help them become more entrepreneurial.

Benefits for the Public Sector

Fostering new leadership to solve complex challenges...deepen understanding of regional needs and assets...affordable leadership training.

  • Government resources alone are not always adequate to solve the complex challenges of communities in the Pioneer Valley.
  • Greater understanding of the need to solve critical challenges will yield enhanced support for strategic public investments.
  • Affordable training opportunities for governmental leaders are needed most when economic conditions and public trust are at their worst.
  • Elected officials and public sector employees will gain an understanding of the needs and the assets that both business and nonprofit employers bring to the region.

1391 Main Street, 9th Floor, Springfield, MA 01103 | Phone: 413-737-3876

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