Our Goals

Building and connecting more diverse, committed and effective leadership for the Pioneer Valley.

LPV builds on the principles of regional leadership programs from across the nation in its commitment to regional participation, recruitment of diverse participants, and experiential training.

  • Ensure broader regional leadership. Leaders from the public sector, non-profits, and businesses will be involved and connected around the same decision-making table.
  • Establish a regional framework for decision-making at all community levels. Our decision-making culture will incorporate a regional lens and will foster a web of relationships that extend beyond our individual towns and cities.
  • Foster personal transformation. Program participants will develop greater self-awareness, new skills, and stronger relationships with a diverse array of leaders.
  • Increase collaborative approaches. Program participants will learn how to work with multiple parties to build consensus on important issues.
  • Increase competencies in community and organizational change. Program participants will learn about the history, culture, economy, assets and challenges, and the dynamics of change in the Pioneer Valley.
  • Establish strong networks with leaders across all sectors. Program participants and alumni will build skills and comfort in communicating with people across traditional boundaries and will act to sustain and enhance those networks over time.
  • Engage more talented, committed and diverse boards. Program alumni will be an ideal source for future talent that can be tapped to augment and succeed board members in non-profit, public and corporate settings.

1391 Main Street, 9th Floor, Springfield, MA 01103 | Phone: 413-737-3876

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