2021-2022 LEAP Program Schedule

Each annual class runs from September until a commencement ceremony in May. 

Reach Beyond Reception: 

The year kicks off with an orientation and welcome reception where participants will meet each other and get an overview of the program’s goals and plans.

Opening Overnight retreat:

A mandatory two-day overnight retreat follows, where participants:

  • Align personal and professional goals with the objectives of LPV
  • Become acquainted with one another and with program staff
  • Establish group norms that build trust, encourage collaborative, participatory leadership
  • Understand leadership styles and use that understanding to improve interpersonal and professional effectiveness

Full-Day Sessions 

Participants will attend monthly sessions held in locations across the Valley.  Each session is held 8:30 am- 5:15 pm.   Expect 2-10 hours per month outside of program time for team projects.

Project Presentations: 

Each Leadership Learning Lab team presents their project to the entire group, community partners, LPV Board of Directors, and their employers.

Reception & Commencement Ceremony: 

All individuals who complete the program will be awarded a certificate of completion of Leadership Pioneer Valley.

Challenge Days

Challenge Days (4 days) are taught in a seminar-style atmosphere. We focus on leadership skills and regional issues. They feature a combination of lecture-style, speakers, small-group activities, and dynamic learning exercises.

Field Experiences

Field Experiences (4 days) give participants a 360-view of the Pioneer Valley through introduction to organizations, elected officials, local businesses, and civic leaders in each focus community. These days are spent seeing areas first-hand and getting an in-depth understanding of their assets and challenges. Networking opportunities with local leaders will be created and encouraged.

Leadership Learning Labs

Participants form project teams around specific regional challenges.  Time will be allotted during each monthly session for teams to meet.  Most teams will also meet once or twice between monthly meetings for an hour or more.  Expect 2-10 hours per month outside of program time.


1 Federal Street, Bldg. 101, Springfield, MA 01105 | Phone: 413-737-3876

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