Our Impact

Individual Growth

LEAP Program Participants report statistically significant professional growth and skill development:

  • 68% of LPV graduates receive a promotion.
  • 42% of graduates report an increase in their collaboration and visioning skills.
  • 40% of graduates report a significant increase in their understanding of our region.
  • Virtually all participants report significant expansion of their personal and professional networks, including strong relationships with classmates that last long beyond LPV's program year, and connections with diverse local leaders.

Community Impact

LPV graduates are making notable impacts in communities throughout the Pioneer Valley. Highlights include:

  • 58% of graduates have joined the board of directors of a nonprofit organization.
  • in 2017 alone, nine alumni ran for local office. Others are making a bigger impact in per-existing roles as local elected officials.
  • 17% of graduates have started new community projects. Others have started businesses, local campaigns and organizations.

Regional Inclusion

With more than 240 graduates from throughout the region, LPV has supported leaders from a range of professional sectors and dozens of communities. We are proud that diversity and inclusion are at the core of our work and of our vision for the region.

  • 33% of graduates are people of color, exceeding overall regional population statistics.
  • Over 98 employers of all sizes have sent participants.
  • 76% of participants report increased cultural competency, 38% report more diverse networks.



1391 Main Street, 9th Floor, Springfield, MA 01103 | Phone: 413-737-3876

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